Petition Against Shame.

I ran out of sleep yesterday at 3 am. This is what happens to people like with the mind that works overtime. Beyond the trouble of my existence, there is another one… my mind. At 3 am it says “Hey. Wake up! Let’s recap on your shitty life, especially those moments where you were embarrassed, failed and wanted to die.” This would have been a good practice if we recapped on these, but focusing on the triumph and that I never died.

Anyway, for me to avoid having this meeting, I quickly keep busy. Sometimes I win, sometimes I don’t. Luckly, yesterday I won and what I found was a two year-old paper written: PETITION AGAINST SHAME. 

This was me. It was me at 20 putting a case against shame. It was me realizing that there’s actually nothing special about me. It was me realising that the thoughts I have were in everyone else’s mind too. These are the thoughts that if were to be spoken out loud they’d make Jesus get a glass of Gin.

I want to challenge you to have a petition against shame as well. I challenge you to start being radically honest about your feelings, needs and thoughts. Shine light to your demons, the’re never going to be scary again – I promise you. In fact, the worst that could happen is that we are going to judge you, because you’re doing exactly what we don’t have the courage to do. Our mouths are going to run on “Outrageous!! Does she not have shame? This is the stuff that’s not to be known by the public!!”However, our, minds are going to rest and begin to shut up. The nicest thing is that Jesus won’t even get Gin!!

This is because our hearts are going to say, “Finally! We are not alone. We are all feeling the same crap!” Beloved, this is freedom. This is solidarity – exactly what Jesus is about.

Remember, like G says: We are proud because we are the children of God, we are humble because everyone is too. 

In fact, Jesus might take Gin in the spirit of celebration.

Before you think of announcing your give-Jesus-Gin thoughts, ensure that your heart and mind is strong. Tell your inner circle, then the second one, and so forth. Speak on your scars, not your wounds.

Do not be silenced by shame. Don’t let it be the boss of you. There is nothing new under the sun. 




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